Piggy Love's Lemonade Stand

Please, take a drink.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

How To Get A Co-Worker Fired

Ok, so most people would read this and think I'm a horrible person. Which may or may not be true. But the simple fact is, I can't stand working with this person anymore. No one likes her. I felt bad for a long time because no one liked her, I thought maybe she just got off to a bad start, but no. Everyone on her team is miserable. She's made diligent effort to get me in trouble for something minor, and clearly, no one else agrees I should be faulted for what I did. And that was the piece of straw that broke the camel's back. It's work, I hate to go into too many details on my blog, but she has done quite a few things that have upset me, but I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt. The vast majority of the office has expressed extreme dislike for this person. And by vast majority, I can think of about 4 people who have not made any complaint about her, or said anything about her at all, but I even suspect that they dislike her as well from their reactions when dealing with this person. Several people have and still are considering quitting because of this person. And on top of that, she has no idea what she's doing. (She's only new to our office, she's done the same kind of work before.) She doesn't seem to realize this, or just doesn't want to bother learning, and attempts to cover up her lack of knowledge with an obnoxious, superior attitude. I think her superiors realize this, but want to give her a chance. I don't think it will work, and I they're doing more damage by keeping her. But in all honesty, I doubt she'll last 2 years. It's just waiting that long.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Nothing to Say

I have nothing exciting to write about, yet I feel since I haven't written for a month that I should. I'm torn between writing crap and not writing for another month.

Magic solution?

I think I need to write about why I have to think about this. Because I think it's unhealthy to think this way.

Maybe I shouldn't write this because then I'm giving in to my unhealthy urges.

Crap. I'm stuck again.

Monday, December 15, 2008

16 Things About Me No One Knows

So, I've been tagged on facebook to give 16 random things, shortcomings, facts, habits or goals about myself. Instead, I've decided to post 16 things on my blog that no one (or at least most people) don't know.

1. I want to learn to speak fluent Spanish without an Okie accent. And then I want to go to Spain and actually be able to hold a conversation with a stranger.
2. I would rather be a student for the rest of my life than hold a real job.
3. I believe feminism means that women can choose for themselves whether they want children, career, or both, but I'm still somewhat disappointed in women who chose to be stay-at-home moms. (I realize that's pretty hypocritical, seeing as I've already stated I would prefer to go to school than work.)
4. When I was 16, I was obsessed with weighing less than my mom did on her wedding day. She weighed 98 pounds. My goal was to weigh 89-97. I never came close, and I'm glad I didn't.
5. I'm afraid to have kids because I think I'd still like the dogs more.
6. I like to psychoanalyze people. This isn't much of a secret, but I don't think anyone ever realizes when I do it.
7. I love Mexican Hot Chocolate.
8. I would prefer to eat a lot more health food than I do, but junk food is just so much cheaper and more convenient.
9. I often label myself with negative characteristics, and people assume this to mean I have low self- esteem. I don't. I prefer to attempt to be honest with myself, and I try to focus on what I need to improve. But I know I'm also not honest with myself about everything. Some things are really hard to admit.
10. I would be extremely disappointed if Tom Cruise died and I wasn't in some small way responsible.
11. When I was about 7 or 8, I wanted to run away from home and go work at Seaworld because I loved orcas and dolphins.
12. I wish I never quit piano lessons.
13. I really want snow and ice so I don't have to go to work tomorrow even though I keep saying the opposite.
14. When I was in elementary school, I wanted to be a children's book author and illustrator.
15. I would prefer for people to call me than to actually call people. I often wish that when I call they don't answer so they'll have to call me back.
16. I sometimes wonder what life would be like had I given x guy a chance instead of choosing Ryan. But I know I couldn't be happier than I am now.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Last Night You Left Me and Slept

Last Night You Left Me and Slept

Last night you left me and slept
your own deep sleep. Tonight you turn
and turn. I say,
"You and I will be together
till the universe dissolves."
You mumble back things you thought of
when you were drunk.


Starting Over

Yes, I finally decided it was time to start over. I was sad to see some posts go, but it's good to let go of all that negativity. And hopefully now I'll start writing again. There's something extremely therapeutic about it. And maybe, just maybe, I'll have something to say.